Ethereum: Using Solidity Library

Use of solidity bookcases: a simple example or a add ()


In this article, we will explore the concept of use solidity bookcases to extend the functionality of intelligent contracts. In this example, we will create a simple contract called Somecon 'that uses a library called' Somelib. In particular, we will use the add () function provided by Somelib.

** What is an intelligent contract?

Before immersing yourself in the code, we quickly define what an intelligent contract is. An intelligent contract is a self-execution program that automates the process of execution of a series of instructions when it is distributed on a blockchain network.

** What is a library of solidity?

A solidity library is an external module that provides pre-scripted features to be used within an intelligent contract. These bookstores can include functions, variables and even whole modules that are reusable on multiple contracts.

Using theadd () function fromSomelib

In our example, we will use the following code:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Somecon contract {

Using Somelib for Uint256;

Uint256 A = 2;

Uint256 B = 3;

Addnum function () Public View Returns (Uint256) {

Return A.ADD (B); // This line calls the "Add ()" function from "Somelib"



Here's how it works:

  • First it matters the LibrarySomelibUsing the Pragma Directive ^0.8.0;


3 This says to the compiler that any function calledadd ()inSomelibwill be amendable within this contract.

  • In theAddnum () ‘function, we call the’ A.ADD (b) function to using a specific syntax for solidity (i.e. the Addnum function () … ‘).


Advantages of the use of bookstores

The use of bookstores as Somelib` has several advantages:

Rusibility **: Rollers can be possible in functions and variables on multiple contracts, reducing the duplication of the code.

* READIBILITY : By breaking down the complex logic in smaller and more management pieces, the contract becomes easier to understand and maintain.

Speed ​​: the functions pre-scripted by bookstores can be faster than implementing them from scratch.


In this article, we have shown how to use a solidity library (“Somelib”) to extend the functionality of our “Somecon” contract. By exploiting the pre-scancified code, it is possible to simplify the development process and focus on the creation of innovative intelligent contracts that automatic tasks. Remember to always follow the best practices for writing clean code, mainable and safe!

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