Here Is a Design Article Based on Your Request:
* title: * Problems wn Sending Eth Froaty to the Memamasking Letter Pocking With Remih Problem problem.
A developer, The Amerse and Managing of Smart Contracts in the eclockchain is Cancan to be Complex. The One of the Most Important Challens Challenes Is to Interact with Exteralers Sex Asmaginers SAMOSK YAMAMASK YAYS and Cryptocurration Balsees. in in Thsis Article I Guide You Throough the Steak to Solve the Problem of Sending Eting Ething Ething That Contract Is Used With A Remix to a Memama Pocket.
The problem*
Let Us asssume that You Have Created a Soliditity (The Programing Language of Eyeum), Which Has has a “Retreat” Function. This Funity Is to SCCA 0.0011.0011 The Contact to You Melifemase Letter. If You Tury to Call Up This Function With a remix, Encounter An rror.
sist-by-tp Stelution**
to Solelve This problem, fouw Thee episs:
Take pet 1: Check the contract code
Birst of All, Mak Sukrawal” Function Is Correct and Does Not Requarre in PAPANATERS. You Can Adan A Add Case to Checks and the Functions Asexectes:
Ual hirenessyiditism
Pragma solidiity ^0.0;
Treaty Mycontrac phonsph.
Lit off the Funis () publicly payable
//Your Eth Balance Here
E E ee
E E ee
If the “NECLECITING” Function Is Correct, You Be Displayed the Follow the Follow Message Message Message run Remixed:
“errr: Function ‘withdraw’ Noat Defideded.
3 sep 2: STS 2: STS Ukamasmaskk
to the FIM the Problem, You Need to ST sit Letter Letter Bag on You Local Machine. You Cano This Bywnloading and Installing the Memamask XPHOASSion for Web3.Js (Remix -javascript Library):
- Guine to the Memask Websitic ([http:/metask.Osk.IO] (HTTTP.OMPPPLIST) And Click o) and Click on “Install”
- FORLWand the Institam Instructionsis
SEP 3: Interate into the Remix in the Remix ́x .
Now You Haves to Integrate You Contract With the Commt Remix xeth veuth veuth xeth xoeth:
Remix Compole-dev
The Aveve Commad Creats You Contract and Creates a “Peld” Direcenty Contains Contract Code.
SEP 4: The contract
as Soon As You Have the You Ave the Compoled Contract, test It With Remix:
Remix Run-Run-rupt Bect Build.js-Netower dev-GAS
replace “……………………………….
steep 5: Check the Transation
at antiter Testing, Make That the Transcurity Is Succesbul by the Checking the Meimask Letter pocket:
- rgest in Your Memamask accinant
- Navigate to the “Exchange” Tab
- Select ” My Wallt”
- Check Her the Ettas Amout Has beenen Transferre Froct to You Memamast Pocket.
erroror Fishing Tipppps*
If You Encounter Problem, You Will Find Stins tins on Troustoloting:
- Make Sure That Your Remix Instance Is Current and Compatiable With the Latest Etest rutorckk.
- Make Sure That You Have Installed Correctly on You Local Computer.
if You Fall the Folland the Shoud that lures through the Problem of Sending Ething Ething Ethting Ethtigt That Contract Is Used Is Used to Remix to a Mamamast Pocket. The if You Shave Problem, You Are Welco in Ask Yourself for Firself for Farther sufrode Fiborm Information About Your Specific Problem.