Here is an article explaining how to send “rawtransaction” in JSON-RPC format using Bitcoin Core package NODE.Js:
Sending raw transactions in JSON-RPC format with Bitcoin Core package Node.Js
In this article, we will show you how to serve Rawtransaction in JSON-RPC format using Bitcoin Core package Node.js.
Before we start, make sure you install the Bitcoin Core package and run with a compatible version. Also, make sure that your machine is running a Bitcoin cores with a valid address you want to serve a raw transaction.
Install the required packages
To use the Bitcoin Core package in Node.Js, we need to install a pack of Bitcoin-core using NPM:
NPM Install Bitcoin-Core-Tra
Send a raw deal in JSON-RPC format
This fragment of code shows how JSON-RPC format sends “Rawtransaction” using Bitcoin Core package:
Const bitcoincore = ask ('Bitcoin-Core');
// Set Bitcoin Core Connection
Const BC = New BitcoinCore ({
URL: ' // Replace with your Bitcoin Core knot URL
// Create a new transaction object
CONST TX = {{{
Version: 1,
Hash: 'Your_tx_hash_here',
NO_Address: 'Your_from_address_here',
To_address: 'To_address_here', // Optional
Flags: 'Raw' // Optional, can be one of 'full', 'confirm' or 'just send only'
// Create a new raw object
TX_TYPE: 'Sendrawtransaction',
Saw: tx
// Send a raw deal in JSON-RPC format via Bitcoin Core
bc.sendrawtransaction (rawtx, (error, answer) => {
IF (ERR) {
Console.Error ('Error by sending a raw deal:', ERR);
} Else {
// Get the Deal Hash from Answer
Const txhash = reaction.hash;
Console.log ("Deal Hash: $ {Txhash});
In this example, we create a new “transaction” object with the desired features (version, hash, from address, to address and flags). We then create a new transaction object with the same characteristics. Finally, we send a raw deal in JSON-RPC format using the Bitcoin core connection method “Sendrawtransaction”.
- Property “TX” on the `RAW” indicates that we want to give a deal.
- You can customize the raw transaction by providing additional flags (for example, “confirm”, “only send”) or adjusting the properties of the object “transaction”.
- Bitcoin Core The answer includes the “hash” for every raw deal. This hash can be used as a reference to check the integrity of the transaction.
When performing these steps, you should now be able to serve transactions in JSON-RPC format using the Bitcoin Core package NODE.Js.